
5 traits of a Scorpio: intelligent women who hold NO grudge against them

Life with a woman born under the sign of Scorpio can be very happy, but only if you know how to respect her will.

Scorpios are prone to sudden, unexpected changes, transformations and eruptions. Their identity is very strong and when they show their dark side, they leave an impression that others don't forget so easily. Although these are very intelligent women, they No offense to ANYONE. Here are 5 traits that clearly hint at it.

Women born under the sign of Scorpio are decisive, which can sometimes be problematic.

Women born under the sign of Scorpio are decisive.
Women born under the sign of Scorpio are decisive.

When a Scorpio decides to get to the top or wants to achieve a goal, he succeeds and excels at it. These are dominant people and usually in high positions at work. They have an instinct that breaks down all obstacles.

Women born under the sign of Scorpio are imaginative, intelligent and have an independent mind.

Women born under the sign of Scorpio are intelligent.
Women born under the sign of Scorpio are intelligent.

Scorpios are born leaders and basically don't care if you follow them or not. Pablo Picasso was also a scorpion. A man who saw the art of his time but decided to go in his own direction. And that's this great Scorpio energy at work. Basically, they are not wedded to the past, which allows them to always have fresh ideas and innovations.

Women born under the sign of Scorpio are confident.

Women born under the sign of Scorpio are confident.
Women born under the sign of Scorpio are confident.

Scorpios do not hear the words "No", "You can't", "You mustn't". They don't wait for an invitation to show up somewhere. If they want to get somewhere, they'll just show up there, full of confidence, and they won't care what other people think about it. Their energy is so contagious that their friends will immediately follow them.

Women born under the sign of Scorpio are emotional and have very good intuition.

Women born under the sign of Scorpio are emotional.
Women born under the sign of Scorpio are emotional.

They are in touch with their emotions and are full of compassion for others. Scorpios are so intuitive that some people don't like them because of this, because they feel that they read them like a book and they can't hide anything from them. People who get along well with the energy and depth of a Scorpio can be sure that they have a good friend full of empathy by their side.

Women born under the sign of Scorpio are very vindictive.

Women born under the sign of Scorpio are very vindictive.
Women born under the sign of Scorpio are very vindictive.

When someone wrongs them, they tend to retaliate. Betrayals, deceptions and bad intentions are not easily forgotten. Therefore, do not try to play tricks on Scorpios, as they tend to react dramatically.

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